Ramadan Meal Plan

  • Nutritious Juice
  • Soup & Salad
  • Iftar
  • Suhoor
  • Healthy Sweet

Starting at

85 AED perday*

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weight loss plan for athletes

Ramadan Meal Plan

  • Nutritious Juice or Snack
  • Soup & Salad
  • Iftar
  • Suhoor
  • Healthy Sweet

Starting at

85 AED per day*

Get Started

Our collections


Healthy Meal plan

Intermittent fasting for maintaining and weight-loss in a healthy way.

A nutritious balanced menu curated for those fasting during Ramadan. Macros and ingredients put together to ensure balanced energy levels, hormones, and blood sugar levels. Fasting during the day is a form of intermittent fasting.

Ramadan Weight-loss Menu
Suhoor, Healthy Drink, Iftar, Soup, Salad, Mini Dessert

Our collections

Who should have this

Meal Plan?

  • If you do not feel like cooking while fasting, but want healthy meals throughout the evening.
  • If you want to spend time working, studying, praying, or with your family instead of preparing meals.
  • If you want to maintain or lose-weight during Ramadan with healthy choices. Our team designed this menu to help you maintain your healthy lifestyle whilst fasting. This Lifestyle Meal Plan ensures you have the right amount of nutritious fuel that helps you be productive during the day.
What is

Include In This Menu

You will receive daily

وجبة الإفطار

قائمة طعام رئيسية متنوعة من البروتين الحيواني (لحم الضأن ولحم البقر والدجاج والمأكولات البحرية) والخضروات المغذية

وجبة السحور

مجموعة متنوعة وخيارات من الأطباق اللذيذة والحلويات بحسب ماترغب.


شوربة صحية لذيذة و مغذية.


مزيج من السلطات الخضراء يوماً لزيادة كمية الألياف التي تتناولها خلال اليوم.

Homemade Juices or Snacks
عصائر صحية

.مشروب مغذي صحي خاص لاستعادة الطاقة بعد الصيام


حلوى صحية صغيرة ولذيذة


لهفة حلوة لتكسر صيامك.

Select Your Plan

*48 hour pre-order required

Select Delivery Slot

+ 180 AED

Refundable Cooler Bag & Ice pack Deposit